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    MIT artificial intelligence expert: AI has a 50% chance of wiping out humans

    Max Tegmark, a physicist and artificial intelligence expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in an interview with Swedish national broadcaster SVT recently that there is a 50% chance that artificial intelligence will wipe out humans, and we will not Know how or when it happens, as machines will be “much smarter than we are”.

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    Are parallel worlds possible?

    Quantum physics created at the beginning of the 20th century made up for the lack of science in microscopic systems. So far, there are classical physics and relativity at the macroscopic level, and quantum physics at the microscopic level. The concept of parallel space-time comes from quantum physics.

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    The reason why aliens have never come to the earth may be that they have encountered the same problems as humans

    Although we don’t have conclusive evidence to prove that there are other intelligent beings in the universe, it doesn’t mean that they definitely don’t exist. On the contrary, from our knowledge of the universe, it is very likely that there are all kinds of intelligent creatures in the universe. All kinds of intelligent creatures, usually we call them “alien”.

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    Like the earth, this planet in the solar system has four seasons and day and night, will it be developed into a new earth?

    Among the eight planets in the solar system, the one most similar to the earth also has the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are alternations of day and night; its rotation period is 24 hours and 37 minutes, which is half an hour longer than that of the earth; there are mountains and rivers, and the sun rises every day, just like the running mode of the earth.

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